Products & Services
OUR products & sERVICES
Our Products & Services
The CardMaster platform can provide security and accountability for unattended restroom doors, gate access, warehouse doors, RV dumps, fleet car washes and trash compactors as will as other motorized devices.
Fleet Fueling
Provides control and accountability for private fleet fueling (non-retail), bulk plants -gasoline, diesel, and LPG, inventory management, and fleet car wash accountability.
Provides information using CardMaster CM-HostCT software; with terminal remote programming functions, polling functions and report generation.
Explains the various options to poll usage data and remotely program CardMasters.
Tells of some of the handy support items for installation of, and use of CardMaster.
Access Control
CardMaster helps manage use of and access to restrooms, RV dumps, trash compactors, gates, warehouses, and almost any device that can be conrolled by a relay-optionally with time limits.